I guess, summer will never be over.... as far as these kids are concerned anyway! lol
"let's build a castle...."
"are you serious?"
"I am! Let's get started!"
I was reminded of my childhood actually. How my siblings and I used to make our own castles and volcanos. Love those days...!
Great candids of these kids! The sidewalk now looks a mess, hope all that sand was there for that purpose, otherwise.....ooooops! :o)
They were having a great time, apparently!
Have a nice weekend!
Ay linsyak! Nagparatawa ako sadi! Huna ko nasa may roadside beach sinda. Idto palan, hinurukay an sidewalk... LOL
Kagayun san pagkakuha san mga pics! .... (di palan ako nalagalag, nagdayo talaga hahahahaha....)
@Aledys: I was actually on my way out when I saw these kids. Took photos of them... which luckily they didn´t mind. hahahaha
Have a nice weekend too... it´s sunny here right now. :)
@buday: ano fi! haraen daw sadi an mga magurang kay ma-ticketan sin littering. hahahahaha
@Sol: Thanks! Nagwagol-wagol na an talinga ko. hahahahaha Mayad man kay nagdayo ka. Hala, pagdayo ulit ha?! hahahahaha
ya it reminds me of my childhood too !!
It was so much fun, playing with sand... We were always egarly waiting for some construction work to start so that we can play in sand. And if not how about going to a beach or open river ;)
Aaaaah I still love it :)
@Lopa: I guess, we will all remain kids as far as playing in the sand is concerned! I still prefer to walk barefoot whenever we take a stroll along the seashore. lol
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