The Dutch Prince and heir to the throne, Willem Alexander is crying foul. Foul that the paparazzis ambushed and took pictures of his family during a trip to Argentina, homeland of his wife and future Queen of the Netherlands, Princess Maxima.
This was one of the many topics my friends May, Micky and I had tonight. Micky (a diehard Dutch) pointed out to me that these people did not really choose to be royalties. That it is a birthright, but that they did not ask for it. That they now want some privacy, is but logical, he said. After all, they always arrange for those pictorials that the magazines, television programs need to show to the world.
The devil's advocate in me told Micky that it is not entirely true that they did not choose to be in that position. That like ordinary people, royalties also have choices. You know, free will. It´s not as if we are still living in the Dark Ages here.
Then Micky told me something that I did not know. Apparently, the Dutch reigning queen, Beatrix, is the wealthiest reigning monarch in Europe. I fell silent. Didn´t know what to say. I wanted to pursue my argument but I was floored by the new information. I can´t believe it.... I always thought it was Queen Elizabeth II. So, I surfed the net. Micky was right of course.
source of the pix: http://www.eo.nl/programma/blauwbloed/
Correct. They can choose to renounce their royalty. I mean, this is the 21st century and titles of nobility as so obsolete.
But I should not say anything any further. I will be traveling to "that royalty's" country soon and it might not do me any good to speak the volume of my mind on the issue of royalty.
re: royalty privacy: basi titanglay na kangiririt sa camera...
Chyt: Nice to see you here! See you soon. You're staying with us, right?! lol
Cherie: Nasasabutan ko man actually na gusto ninda sin privacy. Pero aram man ninda na there is a price for being some kind of celebraties.
Melodie: salamat sadto na info about Lumen´s mom. :)
If they are really the wealthiest is still up for debate. The don't own the palaces. It is widely known that they own a large portion of the Royal Dutch Shell shares. Could you give a link of the 'Richest monarchies list'? Marco (Dutchie).
Marco: here's the link
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