Sometimes when nobody is watching or looking, nature reveals itself. Like this beautiful rainbow I saw from our kitchen table today. I had to make sure I take a picture of it. It was too beautiful to pass!

and tonight, this full moon.....

Truly, my soul expands in worship of the Creator.... Those are Mahatma Gandhi's words of course, not mine. :)
they are breathtaking, marisa. please, let me join you.
@Cherie: Yeah, the best things are for free. We sometimes forget that because we are blinded by commercialism. Gosh, I sound like my mother in law!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA The rainbow, it reminded me God's wrath (Noah's Ark) and God's promise. Nagin sentimental ako kay di pa ako naka recover emotionally san mga nagkakirita ko sa youtube san distroso san Ondoy sa Manila, nan an linog sa Sumatra. Nyway.... nanu kay mata ka pa? turugi na! lol
wow-kagayon daw sadi!!!! God is truly amazing and nothing, practically nothing, can equal His glory. man can invent the most sophisticated technology, but he cannot create a rainbow or the moon.
View ina from your kitchen window?! Linsyak, pahugasa daw ako dida plato, hahaha!
i was also watching the moon rise above the hills from our bay window. just beautiful!
aram mo ako na bagan aswang, mata kun gab-i. haaay, anay amo, nakaplanluya ini na mga pangyari. niyan pa man lang ngani ako naghihinguha man mag-perk up didi sa internet...
Absolutely beautiful! It is true, sometimes nature just gives us these wonderful surprises when we least expect them!
Very nice photos!
Beautiful pictures!!and truly, sometimes nature's beauty is so overwhelming and peaceful that everything else seems trivial...
@Mel: Very true. Indeed, poems are made by fools like me... BUT ONLY GOD can make a tree... or a rainbow or the moon. :)
@buday: nagvo volunteer ka maghugas? Kadi na! DALIIIIIIII! hahhahahahaha Mauritan kita sadi ni mister mo! HAHAHAHAAHA
@Jesusa: uy, I feel like singing... somewhere out there... beneath the pale blue sky.. etc.. etc.. And even though I know how very far apart we are,
it helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star (moon).
I can´t stop singing. HELPPPPP! lol
@Cherie: amo man ako. ma apply na ngani ako magsecurity guard. hahahaha
@Aledys Ver: Yup. I totally agree. Thanks for your cheerful compliment. It never fails to bring a smile on my face. :)
@Thamarai: Oh yes, oh yes! Everything else becomes trivial. I had a stomach flu and was confined inside the house last weekend, and was lucky enough to see these beautiful wonders!
awwww, wow thats beautiful picture...
where do you live? This is a view from you kitchen window???
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