A crucified frog holding a beer mug in one hand and an egg in the other, while its green tongue hangs out of its disgusting mouth. Yes, I know. It's tasteless ... it's a nasty sight..... and it's outrageous and offensive. Especially for Christians.
The Pontiff is troubled, and has condemned it. I would have burned it.
I understand why a beer mug and an egg, but a green frog? I wonder what the German scupltor was thinking when he made it. And why is its tongue hanging out?
An Art Critic (whose name eludes me at the moment) during a TV interview said, that even Michaelangelo and Caravaggio were condemned during their time for their rebellious art works. He also said that our generation is not ready for this kind of artwork because it is very much ahead of its time.
If I were a meter away from that critic, I would have slapped his face for saying such slanderous claims. How dare he compare the Crucified Kermit to The Creation (Michaelangelo) and The Crucifixion of Saint Peter (Caravaggio)?!!